Tuesday, June 3, 2014


"God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you!" (Hebrews 13:5)
In the original Greek, the word "never" is actually a compounding of five negatives. It really should read, "I will never, no, not ever, no never leave you or forsake you!"  It is a synergistic compounding negative. It's a forever never which has no exceptions!
What does the word "leave" mean?  In the original Greek it means "to leave behind, to abandon, to give up on, to send back."  So far, then, this verse will read: "I will never, no not ever, no never leave you behind, abandon you, give up on you, or send you back!"
What does "forsake" mean?  In the Greek it means, "to leave one in a helpless state, to disregard."  It also can be further expanded to include "not relaxing my watchfulness over you."  So, this verse, in the full, amplified version reads: "I will never, no not ever, no never give up on you, abandon you, leave you behind, cause you not to survive, leave you helpless, nor shall I ever relax concerning keeping my presence with you!"
In other words, we can relax. God will always be there for us!

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