Tuesday, January 20, 2015

even haazer

There's a peculiar line in the classic hymn "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" that many of us probably never even realized was there. It's in the second stanza; and it says, "Here I raise my Ebenezer." 

Similarly, many of us may not be familiar with the single verse from which that line originated. Robert Robinson apparently not only knew of the verse but also understood its meaning and importance, for it was he who wrote those words into his beautiful and timeless hymn.

In 1 Samuel 7:12 we are told that "Samuel took a stone and set it up... and called its name Ebenezer, saying 'Thus far the Lord has helped us.'"  That stone was a reminder to the Israelites of God's faithfulness and might.  It was set up so that no matter what situation they were in, they would be able to hark back to their defeat of the Philistines in which God was faithful to deliver them.

What reminders do you have of God's faithfulness in your life?  It may be a picture, a song, a powerful verse that really spoke to your heart during a difficult time.  Whatever it is, keep it at hand so that when you are discouraged you can not only use it to recall how God has blessed and helped you, but you can also look forward to His future faithfulness.

Ebenezer - from two Hebrew words pronounced together: "Even Haazer" - "Stone of Help."

1 comment:

  1. Great is His faithfulness! Thus far the Lord has helped us! and He will help us without fail in the next minute, and hour and day and year!
    RETA@ http://evenhaazer.blogspot.com
