"Their delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law they meditate day and night". Psalm 1:2 (NRSV)
A real Christian stands out in the crowd!
Their character is deeper,
their ideas fresher,
their spirit softer,
their courage greater,
their leadership better,
their concerns wider,
their compassion more genuine,
their convictions more concrete.
They're joyful in spite of difficult circumstances and show wisdom far beyond their years. And they're full of surprises... You think you have them boxed in, but they turn out to be unpredictable. When you're around them, you feel slightly off balance because you don't know what to expect next. Over time, you know that their unexpected ideas and actions can be trusted.
Why? Because these people have a strong relationship with the Lord - one that's renewed day by day. David said: "Their delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law they meditate both day and night."
They have a spiritual root system that reaches down to streams of living water. Consequently, what they put their hand to prospers. Too few of us ever reach this level. How come? Because we're just too busy! The arch-enemy of spiritual growth is business, which is closely tied to something the Bible calls "worldliness" - getting caught up with society's agenda, to the neglect of walking with God.
Anyway you cut it, a key ingredient in real Christianity is - T I M E.
Not leftover time, not throw-away time, but quality time.
Time for contemplation.
Time for meditation.
Time for reflection.
Time for prayer
Time for listening to God's Voice
Time for reading God's Word
Unhurried, uninterrupted time with God.
Holy spirit make me over.Impart obedience in me so that,like tithe,I can return to You quality time to commune with You.