Tuesday, December 26, 2017


"You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:6-8).

At just the right time when we were struggling with temptation the right person came to be with us. They did not know we were on the verge of giving in to the temptation. They just came to be with us. Because they came at just the right time we were able to stand firm and not fall.

At just the right time when we were feeling lonely the right person showed up at our door. There did not know we were lonely. They simply came for a visit because they wanted to be with us. Because they came at just the right time we were able to get through another night.

At just the right time when life appeared to be over the right person reminded us of all the reasons we have to live. We were ready to quit. We had no energy or desire to stay in the race. Because they came at just the right time we saw another sunrise and look forward to the next.

At just the right time when we were struggling with our marriage the right couple invited us over to dinner. We were talking divorce. We saw no reason to keep up appearances any longer. They did not know how hopeless we felt, but because they connected with us at just the right time we continue to celebrate anniversaries.

At just the right time when we were at our lowest as parents the right people sat next to us in church and visited with us when the assembly time ended. We were filled with despair. Guilt was destroying us. They did not know how heart-broken we were but because they were friendly at just the right time we did not give up.

At just the right time when we were searching for a church home the right person came by for a visit. They listened to our story. They understood our situation. They helped us find a place. They did no know how homesick we were but because they took the time we now have a church family.

At just the right time when we were most desperate the right person called to offer assistance. They hardly knew us, but heard that times were hard. They said they remembered what it was like and wanted to help. Because they demonstrated that they cared at just the right time we were able to survive the crisis.

At just the right time when we were still powerless, Christ died for us. God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still a sinners, Christ died for us.

At just the right time God uses people to represent Him in the lives of those who need Him. Be aware that today you may be His instrument for someone He needs to help. It will likely be at just the right time.
-tom norvell

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