Friday, April 20, 2018


I love the Psalms 23 where it says "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me. all the days of my life." I imagine two angels, one named "Goodness" and one named "Mercy", and everywhere I go they follow me, and protect me.

I had the chance to experience this first hand. I was travelling to Chicago and saw an elderly man and his wife pulled over to the side of theroad in their truck waving for help. So, of course, I stopped and asked what was wrong.

The elderly man told me he was a pastor, and he and his wife were on their way to a town up the road, and were about to run out of gas, and was wondering could I give him a ride to the nearest gas station. I said "Sure, but since you're not out of gas yet, why don't you get back in your truck, and drive towards the next gas station.  I will follow behind you, and if you do run out of gas, I will take you to get gas from there - but at least you will be closer."

He agreed and thanked me. We drove over 20 miles, and I watched him as he would look in his rear view mirror and wave to me as I followed him. The truck never did run out of gas.  We made it all the way to the gas station. At the station, he thanked me again, and said "Just knowing you were behind us, just in case we did run out of gas, allowed my wife and I to drive without worry because we knew you were behind us."

We can have that same confidence and assurance as we live our lives each day.  Just knowing God is always there, just knowing His "goodness" and "mercy" are following us and watching over us, we can do anything without any worry or fear. 

"Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life." (Psalm 23:6)

"He will never leave you nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5). 
-steve blair

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