Saturday, December 21, 2019


Summer was here. For Craig, that meant he'd be going on an annual camping trip with his Grandpa and his cousin Scottie. Craig loved spending the summers at his grandparents' farm. But the annual campout was the highlight of his year. He was all packed--couldn't wait to go.

Craig sat anxiously on the old porch swing, waiting for Grandpa to pull up in his beat up jeep. He noticed a few clouds in the darkening sky. "Looks like rain," he muttered, hoping the clouds would blow over. Then just as Grandpa pulled into the driveway, it began to pour.

"Looks like this trip is going to be ruined, "Craig whined, as he threw his gear into the back of the jeep.

"Now, I don't know about that." replied Grandpa with a wink. "By the time we get to the lake, it's likely this rain will have cleared up a bit. Besides, the best fishin' comes right after a change in the weather."

Craig hopped into the jeep as Grandpa started it up and slid it into gear. Then, after a quick stop to pick up Scottie, they were on their way.

As they arrived at the lake, the rain had slowed to a slight drizzle. Setting up the tent was a messy job. Though he had mud splattered everywhere, Grandpa never complained. He was grateful that God had sent a little water down to make driving the stakes into the ground a little easier on his aging body.

Once the tent was set up, it was the boys' job to gather firewood. "This wood's all wet, Grandpa." yelled Craig. But wet wood wasn't enough to discourage Grandpa, either. As Grandpa carefully arranged the wood for a campfire, he told the boys a story from the Bible about Elijah calling down fire from heaven to consume not only wet wood, but an altar also.

After Grandpa got the fire going, the boys had a wiener roast. The mixed smells of the wood burning and the hot dogs roasting just above the flickering flame had the boys mouths watering with hunger. The hot dogs were delicious. Both boys ate heartily. Then Grandpa pulled out a big bag of marshmallows and they roasted them, too. Scottie's first marshmallow burst into flames so Grandpa showed the boys how to slowly and steadily toast them just above the fire. By this time, it was getting rather late. The boys sat close to Grandpa and watched the stars come out after the clouds had blown away. After a brief lesson in astronomy, the boys gazed into the heavens while listening to the sounds of nature.

"What was that?" asked Craig, hearing an old owl hooting in the nearby woods.

"Just an owl." replied Grandpa, who found himself identifying a number of other sounds to the boys. Together they learned to recognize the sounds of frogs croaking, crickets chirping and even a cougar's scream.

"Grandpa, how'd you get so smart?" Scottie questioned.

"Oh, Scottie, I'm not all that smart." Grandpa replied. "I just happen to know the One who has all the answers."

"Me too, Grandpa." Craig shot back. "And do you know why we say our prayers every night before we go to bed?"

"Why's that, Craig?"

"Because we know God's home when we see His lights come on." came Craig's reply.

And then with a chuckle, Grandpa explained to the boys that God is omniscient. "Now I know that's a mighty big word for you boys to understand, but let me put it this way. God is all knowing. He knows your thoughts before you ever put your prayers into words."

"Wow!" came Scottie's reply.

"That's awesome." said Craig.

"Awesome," replied Grandpa. "I can't think of a better word to describe Him."

"And Grandpa," Scottie piped up. "We wouldn't know much about Him, if it hadn't been for you."

"A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children..."  (Proverbs 13:22)

The most important thing you can give your children or grandchildren is a godly example of a life well-lived!

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