Tuesday, October 6, 2020


 Some might call it dumb luck - and a few accidents  - that saved a mining company back in 1902.
This mining and manufacturing enterprise, which was originally based in Two Harbors, Michigan, planned to mine and sell corundum, which is the world's hardest natural substance second only to diamonds.  The mine produced an inferior form of corundum, but the creative staff found that this abrasive could be used to manufacture sand paper. So they mined and they manufactured, and in 1905, the company was moved to Duluth and later to Saint Paul.
In 1916 the company made its first profit and in 1920 the manufacturing division was coming up with an innovation that would become the hallmark of the company - waterproof sandpaper. Masking tape was invented by this company in 1925 that was followed by materials to help deaden the sound when traveling in a vehicle.
The first broad based consumer product made by the company came during the depression with the unveiling of transparent tape. A fabric protectant, that is still in use today, was discovered in the 1950's when an employee accidentally splashed a liquid coolant on her shoes only to discover that it wouldn't wash off.
Soon the company was marketing other products like overhead projectors and items related to both the dental and medical professions. Synthetic materials were developed by the company for NASA which were used on the famous moon walk of 1969.
They also delved into household cleaners, electronics, pharmaceuticals, communication devices and office supplies - marketing about 60,000 total products!
The company leveled off to a great degree until 1980.  That year, one of the company scientists was experimenting with substances that might help him mark his church hymnal without leaving a permanent visual reminder. Even though no one believed it could be done, this scientist discovered just the right formula for "Post-it-Notes".
If that mine in 1902 had yielded the quality of corundum that Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing had wanted, they might not be known today by another name and for reasons disassociated with mining. Today we refer to this company simply as "3M".
The Bible is filled with examples of people who found that things did not always wind up the way they thought they should. Paul couldn't have expected the Damascus Road experience. Moses wasn't prepared to lead his people out of Egypt - he seemed perfectly content to be a sheepherder. Peter said he would never deny Jesus and you know how that went.  Job lost everything through no fault of his own and in the end was blessed beyond his wildest dreams.
When things don't turn out like you think they should, is it possible that God has something else much better in mind for you?  Trust God.  Trust His plans for you!  Even when things aren't going the way you planned, trust God that His plans are best for you.  
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD. "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11
-david langerfeld

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