Monday, November 14, 2022


ABC World News Now reported on June 16, 2011 that three women, visiting from out of town, drove their rented SUV into a swamp near Seattle, Washington. It seems they had been out to dinner, and were returning just after midnight, when they got lost near Mercer Island. Following their On-Board GPS system, they turned onto a boat ramp - and kept going.

It seems as though we hear a lot of these kinds of stories.  We are all so dependent on the GPS in our car or on our smart-phone when we are in unfamiliar territory. The problem comes when we depend entirely on the GPS - even when our eyes should tell us that there is a lake in front of us.

There is a parable in this story. Since the beginning of Creation, mankind has been depending on the wrong things for guidance. God gave one set of instructions, but Adam and Eve followed the GPS system of Satan (GPS - "Gullible Promptings of Satan") And we're still doing it today. There are people who are lost and wandering around in the midnight of their lives where it is dark and confusing. Instead of listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit prompting, guiding and directing, they follow their own defective guidance systems - and wind up in the swamp.

The Bible has something to say about this. Consider Psalm 25:4-5, "Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." 

Psalm 48:14 tells us "For this is God our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even to the end." Proverbs tells us that we should listen to the words of God, for "When you walk, they will guide you" Proverbs 6:22. And Isaiah 58:11 promises "The Lord will guide you always…."

Don't wind up in the swamp of confusion and desperation! Keep your eyes on the Lord, not the systems of the world which promise much but deliver little. He will keep us on the right - and dry - path.
- rocky henriques 

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