Thursday, August 3, 2023


The decrees of the Lord are firm, and all of them are righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb. Psalm 19:10

I heard a pastor share the story of a young couple who bought a house on a large piece of land. They lived there day after day, but never thought of doing much with the land. They lived in poverty just trying to pay the mortgage on this property, so they decided to sell the property instead. The new owners saw much potential in the land and started digging, planting, and cultivating the land. One day as they were digging, they found petroleum. Due to this hidden treasure on the land, the new owners were able to earn great wealth, much more than they had ever dreamed of.

We, too, have been given something of great worth… the Bible. It is filled with so many gems of wisdom to help us live. It tells us how to have healthy relationships, raise our children, how to work, and then provides comfort when we experience feelings of loneliness, depression, grief, etc. 

The hidden treasures in this book are endless! However, if we just have our Bible on a shelf and never bother to read it, we will experience spiritual poverty and never know the riches within. We must study it and put it to practice in our lives to experience the benefits and live abundantly.

God loves us so much that he not only gave his only Son for us and his Holy Spirit to be our comforter, but he also gave us a manual. Ask God to speak to you and he will! When you read his Word and listen, he speaks. The more we cultivate our relationship with Christ, the more treasures we will discover.
- crystal b

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