Sunday, September 1, 2024


Blessed be the God and Father…who comforts us in all our troubles 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Renée Bondi is a quadriplegic who, incredibly, writes about praising God, even amid troubles. “During the last two decades,” she wrote, “I’ve learned many life lessons. I’ve been in the valley of darkness and I’ve been on the mountaintop. One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is how important, even foundational, it is for believers to praise our Lord at all times.”

That’s a lesson learned over time and with experience. Our natural reaction to valleys of darkness is to collapse in panic attacks or fits of depression. Most of us react with understandable fear when bad news comes. But we can’t remain in a fearful, depressed state.

When trouble comes into our life, one of our first responses should be to praise God. As we praise Him for who He is, peace and comfort will flood our heart and life. Take a moment today to praise God for who He is and all He has done for you.

"It’s more natural to gripe and complain and question than it is to praise in the midst of disappointment and confusion. Yet, we are to give praise continually. How? We can give praise continually by remembering God, including Him in our day and filtering whatever happens through His perspective."  (Renée Bondi)
- david jeremiah

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