Thursday, May 9, 2013


One of the most dramatic scientific advances in my lifetime has been those amazing space shuttle flights. Apparently, they're behind us now, but they sure did make aeronautical and science history. We got to hear space news on a pretty regular basis and watch those dramatic launches. We'd hear conversations from space.

You could hear the familiar sound of the conversation between the NASA Mission Control Center and the astronauts up there. The space day would begin with a wake-up song from Houston. They'd play something that would say, "Good morning!" Then they would communicate back and forth all day long. Of course, they were in constant communication. When you're living in an environment where so much could go wrong; it's real important to do that.

"'Woe to the obstinate children', declares the Lord." Who are those? "Those who carry out plans that are not mine, forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit, heaping sin upon sin; who go down to Egypt without consulting me; who look for help to Pharaoh's protection, to Egypt's shade for refuge. But Pharaoh's protection will be to your shame. Everyone will be put to shame because of a people useless to them, who bring neither help nor advantage, but only shame and disgrace."  (Isaiah 30:1-3)

This is a description of God's people "off course".  They're off on their own. They've made some plans, they've made some alliances, they've asked for some help. But it's only going to lead to shame and disgrace. Why are they off course? Well, he said they planned, but "not by my Spirit."  They've gone ahead "without consulting me."

Imagine if our astronauts had only communicated with Mission Control at launch time, and then as soon as they were safely up, they went off and did what they pleased; no input all day from the data that they have at Mission Control? Well, that would be dumb!

And then, the only other time they would contact Mission Control was when a crisis developed. I can just imagine Houston coming back and saying, "If you'd been in touch with us all along, there might not have been a crisis."  Or, "We could have helped you correct it when it was small."

I've done that so many times in my relationship with Mission Control - I mean my Heavenly Father. Have you? We have a good time talking when we're launching something. As the day begins, I spend my time with the Lord, and we talk through the issues of that day. And then, of course, I run to Him when trouble develops. But I neglect the points in between. I tend to neglect that regular communication throughout the non-crisis details of the day to just stop for a moment and say, "Which one, Lord?  Which way should I go on this? Who's the right person? What's the best way to answer this? What's the best way to solve this?"

Listen to those words.  They're haunting words.   God says, "You've proceeded without consulting me. You're carrying out plans that are not mine." We don't mean to. It just happens because we do not stay in close, all day communication when those little choices are being made that make the big choices.  Many crises are the result of everyday decisions we make without consulting our "Commander".

We need to consciously practice what Jesus calls "abiding in Him."  Not just visiting.  Abiding in Him!  Like those astronauts, we need to stay in constant contact with Mission Control.
-Ron Hutcraft

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