A kid was happily reading the
Bible while waiting for a bus to
convey him to school....Every now
and then he wud exclaim,"Alleluia,
praise the Lord, Amen"...And on
and on as he read on. A mAn heard him and cAme to ask
wAt he's reading.
The kid ansed,"I'm reading how
God parted the red sea and let
the Isrealites go through-dat's a
... miracle!
The mAn explained:"don't believe
everything the Bible tells U..The
truth of the matter is dat, the
wAterbody was only 6 inches deep- so dat wasn't a miracle..
The kid nodded in disappointment, but kept on reading...As the mAn was walking away feeling proud dat he's set the kid straight, he
again heard a big,"Alleluia, praise
the Lord!, from the kid...,
The mAn cAme back to the kid and asked,"wAt's it this time?
The kid excitedly said,"this one is
real miracle; God drowned the
whole Egyptians army in a 6 inches deep of water
WAt an amazing miracle
Bible while waiting for a bus to
convey him to school....Every now
and then he wud exclaim,"Alleluia,
praise the Lord, Amen"...And on
and on as he read on. A mAn heard him and cAme to ask
wAt he's reading.
The kid ansed,"I'm reading how
God parted the red sea and let
the Isrealites go through-dat's a
... miracle!
The mAn explained:"don't believe
everything the Bible tells U..The
truth of the matter is dat, the
wAterbody was only 6 inches deep- so dat wasn't a miracle..
The kid nodded in disappointment, but kept on reading...As the mAn was walking away feeling proud dat he's set the kid straight, he
again heard a big,"Alleluia, praise
the Lord!, from the kid...,
The mAn cAme back to the kid and asked,"wAt's it this time?
The kid excitedly said,"this one is
real miracle; God drowned the
whole Egyptians army in a 6 inches deep of water
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