Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Entering the passenger side of the car for the first time with my child behind the wheel was an eye-opening experience. Id heard many stories of teaching children to drive, but nothing had entirely prepared me. I grabbed my seatbelt as my son floored the accelerator around a tight turn. 
What are you doing? I gasped once my breath came back. Slow down! 

But Mom, you take that turn like that, came his innocent reply. 

I panicked as I realized that my son, without any formal instruction from me drives exactly like me. And as I thought about it, my daughter drives like me too. I suddenly realized that both my children had been learning to drive from me for years. Every time we got in the car together theyd been watching me. Theyd learned all my maneuvers and fears, right down to my unreasonable fear of parallel parking. 

Children are constantly learning. Every day, every hour, and every minute your children are watching and mimicking your actions. A scary thought when we remember that the Bible tells us even our righteous deeds are as filthy rags! 

Our sinfulness should make us eager to buckle ourselves and our children into Gods perfect hands. Sadly, we often try to become the perfect moms and teachers ourselves. We end up teaching our children to cover their sinful hearts in self righteousness instead of Gods righteousness. 

How much better to teach them to run to God constantly! Traveling in Gods strength instead of our own is the only safe way to travel. So buckle up and rest in His care! 

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