Wednesday, March 1, 2017


I recognize God's voice like I do the voice of anyone I talk to a lot. A new friend is going to have to identify herself the first few times she calls me, but then I'll recognize her voice and the kinds of things she talks about.

Suppose Mary loves shopping and hates baseball. If someone calls up and says, "Hey, it's Mary. Wasn't that a great baseball game?" I'd know it is someone other than Mary, because that's just not what Mary is into.

It's like that with God, too. I recognize Him by the way He talks to me and what He says.  If what I'm hearing doesn't sound like His personality and character, then I know it can't be Him talking. That's why people who want to hear from God need to develop an in-depth knowledge of the Bible. It's there we find out what He loves, what He hates, what is dear to His heart.
-michelle  hammond

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