Monday, January 18, 2021


 Keep the fire Burning!

 “The fire must be kept burning on the altar continuously; it must not go out.” Leviticus 6:13

There is a story of a group of fishermen who while out fishing got caught in a storm. 
The wives of all the fishermen gathered to pray. While praying for their husbands’ safety, one of the houses in the village caught fire. The women tried to put it out, but with all the men out at sea there were not enough people, and the house burned to the ground.

The next morning the storm cleared and to the joy of everyone the fishermen were will alive and made their way into the harbour. 

The woman who’s house burned to the ground was filled with joy when she saw her husband but then with sadness as she told him how the house had burned down. Her husband said to her ‘Praise God that our house burned, if it weren’t for that burning light at shore we would all have drowned last night.’ You see the pain of the burning house was actually the salvation for the fishermen.

Life isn’t always comfortable, but wherever we find ourselves, even within the heat of painful circumstances, we must keep our fire burning for God. As we usher  the new year begins let’s keep shining for him.

God provided his Old Testament people with priests who had to keep the fire of the burnt offering going. 
  • Some scholars see the fire on the altar as a symbol for the flame of our devotion for the Lord. Spiritual passion is not something to be treated lightly or taken for granted. It will grow cold if we fail to keep it supplied with fuel.
  • The apostle Paul addressed the subject of spiritual fervor in his letter to the Romans 12:1-2,11. To keep the fire of our devotion burning strong, we must continue the hard work of stocking our fuel supply with hope, patience, steadfast prayer, generosity, hospitality, and humility V.11-16
None of us can keep the faith without God's power. If you would have your soul kindled with the Fire of God you must draw near to the source of that Fire, God and shut yourself out from the world – that cold world which so swiftly steals our Fire away. By keeping the fire burning and living, God’s light will shine through us people will see Him instead of us.

Our love for Jesus is the key to spiritual passion.
-evelyn k nyamwange

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