Monday, July 5, 2021


"And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."  John 8:32
We all know that the Bible says that man was created in the image of God. As God's highest creation, and in that image, it is a given that man should be free. 

There is no scriptural foundation for any other teaching. That is one of the reasons that America is a great nation. It is founded on the liberating Biblical concept of freedom.

When the citizens of the early colonies declared their freedom from and independence of England, it was a great day for freedom and the church. The United States was born. Since that time we have taken great pride in our freedoms and our independence from other tyrannical nations.
It is a good thing to be free to worship God and that is what our founding fathers worked, fought and died for. Sadly enough though, too many have taken that independent spirit too far and have become totally independent of any and all powers and entities, resulting in rebellion.
As a Christian, independence is never more demonstrated than when we exercise total dependence on God. We were never intended to be independent of Him or His ways. He created us to depend on Him and thus to find our total fulfillment in Him, to find His perfect strength by acknowledging our own weakness. 2 Cor. 10: 9-10
On the close of this holiday weekend that we as Americans proudly give honor to our country, one nation under one God, let us also along with this day of independence declare that this is our Day Of Dependence. A day that we acknowledge that we depend on God for everything in this life. A day that we know that "we live and move and have our being in Him".  Acts 17:28 

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