Monday, August 16, 2021


"Cast all your anxieties on God because He cares for you" 1 Peter 5:7

The word "cast" means to throw something onto someone else. When we "cast" our anxieties on God, we let go of them. We turn them over to him. This is a present tense command, so that we are to make this decision continually. Every time the worry comes back, give it to God. Again and again and again. it's an imperative, so that if you're carrying anxiety in your own hands and heart, you're disobeying the word and will of God. He wants you to give him all your worries, the moment they arise in your mind.

"All" leaves no exceptions. "Anxieties" points to any stress, problem, or worry. We are allowed none of these for ourselves. Mark it down: there is no problem so large you cannot trust it to God, and none so small you can trust it to yourself. My tendency is to solve my own problems myself, turning to God only when I must. But I've learned that he would much rather guide me into His Will than repair the mistakes made by my own will.

Cast your anxieties "on God," trusting them into his power, providence, and provision. The Creator of the universe can be trusted with any problem encountered therein. You go to a doctor for physical problems and a lawyer for legal advice, because they are the best qualified in their respective fields. Go to God with your anxieties, for his omniscience and omnipotence are the best resources in all of creation.

Make this decision "because He cares for you." "Cares" means that He feels compassion for you. He knows your problems and He faces them with you. He feels your pain, shares your stress, suffers your grief. He is Immanuel, God with us. History is filled with men who would be gods, but with only one God who would be man.

What anxiety most burdens you this morning? What will you do with it, right now?
"Cast all your anxieties on God because he cares for you" 1 Peter 5:7.

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