Wednesday, September 7, 2022


God has shown each of us the boundary line between right and wrong - we KNOW the truth. God's line is not subject to our control, and we are not given the freedom to cross the line depending on our circumstances or perceived benefit.

We are often deceived by simple justifications: "I know this is wrong, but my increased wisdom from this experience will eventually be used to help others." Or, "I know this is wrong, but what else can I do? God surely wants me to eat and pay my bills." Or, "I know this is wrong, but at least it's not as bad as ...." Or the common sexual deception; "I know this is wrong, but we really love each other."

It's God's desire that we trust Him with all our heart and follow His path each and every day, without ANY shortcuts or deviations. As we follow His leading, we will face many decisions - many places where the path divides - and we must decide which direction to turn. 

We can depend on God to NEVER direct us into sin. If a path contains sin, we can be sure it is NOT God's path, not the path we ought to follow!

Let's trust Him to absolutely direct our every step. Let's draw so close to our Heavenly Father that all deception is exposed. Let's walk His path without compromise and refuse to shift, or cross over, His boundary line of truth.
- steve troxel

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