Saturday, January 7, 2023

 So, did you make at least one New Year’s resolution? 
There are many who value making New Year’s resolutions.  Each January seems like a fresh start as if the troubles of the present year end every December 31.
Recently, I *learned of an annual event known as Takanakuy in Peru. Recognising that each year brings its own problems, people use the event to close off the previous year’s conflicts and disputes by fighting so they can start the new one harmoniously. Each December at Chumbivilcas province, in Cusco, crowds gather to watch the protagonists battle to settle their differences before the New Year begins. When they finish, grievances are set aside and the day ends with a fiesta. They are free to begin a new year afresh.
Yes, there are far better ways of settling accounts but the Peruvians cannot be faulted for wanting to set aside the differences before the year ends. To close off a year without resolving conflicts, forgiving or seeking forgiveness, and making reconciliation, will definitely guarantee a more difficult new year.
While we happily greeted 2023 with hope, in the back of our minds we knew that it won’t be so for many.  Yes, some will experience joy and great pleasure as they graduate, marry, give birth, etc. but others will be faced with news of terminal illness or other personal tragedies.  Moments of joy can quickly be tempered by the reality of living in a sinful world. So, we remain hopeful and often resolve to play our part in making the year more purposeful.
So, did you make a resolution?  Given that we have no power over natural occurrences in 2023, what goals have you set that will help you have a more purposeful life, regardless of your situation?  Although we don’t know what 2023 will bring, how about wanting to be closely connected to the One who holds our future in His hands [Psalm 16:5]?
Here are three resolutions to consider:
If not already doing so, begin having daily personal relationship-building time with God.  Using only the Bible, take time to read from it and contemplate God, His worth, glory, love, and how He acts. Daily pray for the Holy Spirit to govern your life.
Physically participating in public worship in the church building. As disciples, we are part of the body of Christ.  Let’s not deny ourselves fellowship with the rest of the body. We need each other for growth.
Regularly engage in acts of service in your neighbourhood and live as a disciple to others.
If you take time to think about these resolutions, you may also see them as the most important ones you can make for 2023. If you do, let these be among your resolutions.  
It’s not too late to make them today.
- halsey peat

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