Friday, November 29, 2024


After wandering through the desert for forty years, Joshua led the nation of Israel across the Jordan River and set out to conquer the land of Canaan. Joshua had seen God lead the nation out of slavery in Egypt. He had witnessed the parting of the Red Sea and God's provision of food while in the desert. As the Israelites were led into the promised land, Joshua and the entire nation saw God answer their prayers and give them many victories in battle.

During this time of conquest, the nation was relatively united as they worshiped and served God. This generation had first hand experience of His majesty and power, of His love and concern for His children. However, when Joshua and the current generation died, things quickly changed.

"After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the Lord nor what He had done for Israel."Judges 2:10

In a single generation, the people forgot! In a single generation, the people lost their respect for God, their desire to worship, and their belief that the Lord was the one true God. 
  • How could a generation who walked in fellowship with God fail to transfer the message of truth? 
  • How could parents who knew God with such intimacy fail to teach their children who He was and how to love Him? 
  • How could an entire nation forget that their purpose for existence was to honor God and be a light to the world?
We who have been brought into the Light of Christ must diligently share our faith with others; "Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation" Joel 1:3. Our children and our friends will never receive the gift of eternal life because of OUR faith; rather, they must be told of God's love and come to Him through a deep and personal faith in Jesus.

We all know specific individuals who desperately need to know of His saving grace. We all know fellow believers who need to be encouraged in their faith; "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds" Hebrews 10:24. Our churches are often gatherings for the depressed and troubled who have forgotten or never heard of the miraculous and loving works of God. May we never become silent about what He has done and continues to do!

We must never lose the awe of the incredible gift we have been given in Jesus. His sacrifice radically changed our eternity! An understanding of this gift ought to so fill our heart that we are compelled to share His ongoing gift with those we love and those God places in our path. We who have begun our walk with Christ should continually share our walk with others. 

We serve an AWESOME God! Let's be a light to the world and never let them forget.
- adapted from steve troxell

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