Tuesday, November 19, 2024


Then they said, 'Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves' Genesis 11:4 
These were the words of men who planned to build the Tower of Babel.  There was every reason why their plans should succeed.  They had the know-how.  They were all of one mind and they had a common purpose - to accomplish something lasting in life, something that would outlive them.

There was a strange old man named Noah.  He built an enormous ark while people laughed at him for years.  But he didn't care.  He was working under orders - and he was not concerned that he might have looked ridiculous. 

The Tower of Babel was a failure. 
The Ark became an instrument of success.
Perhaps the difference in accomplishment stemmed from the difference in incentive - 
"Whose name was at stake?"
"Kings and Kingdoms will all pass away, but there's something about that name"
- david langerfeld

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