Friday, March 8, 2013

I don't want to admit how debit-card-dependent I am. It's getting embarrassing. One day this week I couldn't find my card. I looked everywhere. Even by the next morning there was still no trace of the card. I searched high and low, near and far- even under the sofa cushions. I found 37 cents, three marbles, a T-shirt (how had we ignored that lump?), seven M & M's, a screwdriver, my favorite sunglasses, and the TV remote (hey, we'd been looking for that thing)- but no card.

I checked our bank account online to make sure no one had used the rogue card.  Nope, no extra charges (although how in the world could all those be mine?). Still, I was just this side of panic.

Why is it that I wait until panic starts to set in before I remember where I really need to turn? Finally I thought, "I'll have my quiet time with the Lord and then I can resume the hunt with more peace, less panic." I opened my Bible and guess what fell out; my card! I had absentmindedly stuck it between the pages the morning prior to mark a passage.

What a lesson my Father taught me about where I should run first. I found such treasure in His Word that morning and, believe it or not, the real treasure was not even card-related. Psalm 119:14-16 says it best: "I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word."  Ah, it's great to be rich!

"Lord Jesus Christ, let your Holy Spirit fill me and transform my heart and mind that I may choose life -- abundant life in you and with you. And give me the courage and strength to always discern good from evil and to reject everything that is false and contrary to your holy will."
-Rhonda Rhea

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