Saturday, July 27, 2019


 What a perfect day for a fall hike.  We were excited to get outdoors in crisp air and bright

The dirt trail, into the groves of trees, was just wide enough to have been well-traveled by   horses.  I squeezed my fists, trying to capture a little of the cool, dry atmosphere.

Barely over the rickety wooden bridge, the path began to change, from a little bit rocky and dusty, to slightly muddy.  By the time we were up farther, the path was dark, squishy mud. Shade and shadows, from the skinny-trunked buttery yellow aspen trees, cast dark coolness  onto the path.

Returning, I glimpsed the brook to the left, humming happily.  From there, the path went from muddy, back to dusty, solid and easy to walk on. I thought, "Just some sunshine makes such a difference." The muddy part of the path was not  in sunlight, and the other was.

Sometimes my life begins to resemble a muddy path. It would be good for me to remember that
a little Son light on it could make all the difference.

When my path gets muddy, Lord, from cares and concerns and
stuff in my life, I pray   that You will shine on them all, and restore my path. 
Thank you, Lord! 

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