Saturday, July 4, 2020


Roger Ray, a minister in Springfield, Missouri, told of a local physician who was driving between hospital calls one evening, exceeding the speed limit rather shamelessly in an attempt to make up for lost time. Suddenly a police car pulled up behind him and turned on the lights. Having some considerable experience in both speeding and getting caught, the doctor picked up his stethoscope and held it up for the policeman to see in hopes of communicating that he was on a medical emergency. 

Yet the police officer continued in pursuit with no regard to the physician's signals. Once more the doctor waved his stethoscope in the air, this time more dramatically, in hopes of conveying the importance of his mission. But when the physician looked into his rear-view mirror to see whether the police officer got the message, he saw a smiling officer waving his own symbol of authority in the air—his revolver.

These are the "Oh-oh" experiences in life when we realize we've been caught red-handed. And sometimes I wonder if there are certain things I don't do more from a fear of getting caught rather than wanting to do the right thing. 

However, there's one thing that is certain ... no matter how hard I may try or how much I try to fool myself, there's no hiding from God. He sees all. He knows all. But he's not waving his "heavenly revolver" at us, nor is he out to get us to punish us for our sins, but rather to save us from punishing ourselves as a result of our sins—the wages of which are death—eternal death. 
-dick innes

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