Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Each of us have been called to minister as we love Him and build up the body of Christ. Our specific roles in ministry may differ, but we have all been called and asked to be a part of His plan; we are all given the charge to tell others of the way to the Father through faith in Jesus. Paul calls this the ministry of reconciliation; "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us" 2 Corinthians 5:20.

But ministry (in any form) can be difficult. There is more work to be done in the field than we can possibly accomplish - our "job" is never complete. This has the potential for great stress (and what we call "burnout") if we don't maintain a sense of our true purpose and an understanding of Who is really in charge.

"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."Matthew 11:28-30

A yoke is a dual harness used to attach oxen and plow fields. Jesus said to take up His yoke and join Him in working His field. He is already pulling the load and wants us to attach ourselves to the other harness. As we do, we will discover a well-defined row in bad need of plowing. We will also find a load which is easy to bear.

But plowing can become tedious, so we often try to increase the pace. We look for ways to accomplish more and begin to see the many weeds scattered in other rows and other fields. In an attempt to pull as many weeds as possible, we begin to wander from our row and our load becomes increasingly heavy. We soon find we have unhitched from His yoke and are trying to pull the plow with our own strength - not a smart move!

More is not always better, and faster is not always the desired result. It's interesting that Jesus said our main task as we take up His yoke is to "learn from Him." It's as if walking by His side is really enough; as if walking by His side IS our ministry. The field will still get plowed, but in the process we will be blessed with a closer and deeper relationship with the Son of God.

If our burden has become heavy - if we are feeling weary and ready to quit - let's determine if we are properly "hitched" to His yoke and aligned to His row. A heavy burden requires some adjustments - maybe an adjustment in attitude, maybe an adjustment in priority. Let's ask our Heavenly Father for guidance and where to find rest for our soul. Let's take up His yoke and remember: His burden is light!
- steve troxell

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