Monday, May 27, 2024

Jesus came to earth to be our necessary and absolutely sufficient sacrifice for sin. His death on the cross and resurrection from the tomb opened the door of grace for an eternally restored relationship 
with God for all who believe.

Prior to our salvation, the Holy Spirit draws us near by revealing truth to our heart. We are "born again" John 3:5-7 when we place our trust in the sacrifice of Jesus for the forgiveness of sin. At the moment of our new birth, we are changed - made a "new creation" 2 Corinthians 5:17 - by the power of the Holy Spirit; we also become "co-heirs with Christ" in God's Eternal Kingdom Romans 8:17.

As we begin our walk with Christ, we soon realize we are not who we once were; "the old has gone, the new has come" 2 Corinthians 5:17. The Spirit of God began a change in our heart that will continue all the rest of our days as we are "conformed to the likeness of His Son" Romans 8:29. Some aspects of this change are immediate as the bondage to sin is broken, but other portions of change will take a lifetime.
God has promised that our transformation will one day be complete; "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion" Philippians 1:6. He will continue to shape and mold us - to chip off the rough edges - until we stand before Him and hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" Matthew 25:21. On that day, God's glory will be fully revealed in us and we will understand our true identity in Him.

"To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it."Revelation 2:17

God knows exactly who we are; "I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind" Jeremiah 17:10. But He also knows exactly who we will become. When we stand before His throne, He will acknowledge our completed transformation by giving us a new name. But as we receive the name, we will also receive full understanding of who we are and how our life has fit into His perfect plan. We will see the purpose of every twist and turn in our path and see what it really means to live in Christ.

Until that day, we must trust Him with all our heart and allow every aspect of our life to bring Him glory and honor. We must seek a consistency with our new identity - with the life God desires us to live. We are not who we once were, nor who we will one day become. 

Let's live a transformed life with great expectations of the glory to be revealed when we stand in His presence and receive a new name. 
- steve troxell

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