Saturday, July 20, 2024


We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith Hebrews 12:2

Robert Louis Stevenson loved to recount the story of a ship tossed in a storm. The sea was rough and the rocky coast perilous. Danger was real and dread expectancy active among the seamen. One frantic sailor who was laboring below the water line could contain himself no longer. He rushed to the control room, closed the door behind himself, and stood frozen in fright watching the captain wrestle with the controls of the huge ship.

Skill of mind and strength of hand enabled the captain to guide the vessel through the threatening rocks into open water. The Captain turned slightly, looked at the frightened sailor, and smiled. The youth returned below deck and assured the crew all danger was over. 

When they inquired how he knew, he answered, "I have seen the face of the Captain, and he smiled at me."

If you will only...
     "turn your eyes upon Jesus,
      look full in His wonderful face,
      the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
      in the light of His Glory and Grace."
When you know who is in control, there is no fear! 
- david langerfeld 

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