Thursday, July 18, 2024

I am the door of the sheep John 10:7

Warren Wiersbe explained John 10:1-6 like this: “The middle Eastern sheepfold was very simple: a stone wall, perhaps ten feet high, surrounded it, and an opening served as the door. The shepherds in the village would drive their sheep into the fold at nightfall and leave the porter to stand guard. 

In the morning each shepherd would call his own sheep, which would recognize their shepherd’s voice and come out of the fold. The porter (or one of the shepherds) would sleep at the opening of the fold and actually become ‘the door.’”

Jesus said He was "the Door". When we are in Him, we have the stone walls of His protective care all around us, and He Himself stands guard to make sure we’re “safe and secure from all alarm,” as we sing in an old Gospel song. Take a deep breath today and remember that you don’t need to be afraid. Jesus, the Door, is your protective Shepherd.
- david jeremiah

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