Monday, July 1, 2024

A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold Proverbs 22:1

There are two days in our lives when our name is prominent: the day we receive our name at birth, and the day our name appears in the obituary column. What happens between those two determines whether our name is a lovely ointment ... or a foul stench.

The late Bill Bright, founder and president of Campus Crusade for Christ, International, told about growing up in Oklahoma in the 1920s and '30s watching his father and grandfather conduct business affairs with other men. It was all done on a handshake (which is almost unheard of today) because of his grandfather's reputation in the area. He didn't realize exactly how respected his grandfather's name and word really were until years later.

In 1948, Bill was driving from Californian to Oklahoma to marry his sweetheart, Vonette Zachary. As he passed through Okmulgee, Oklahoma, where his grandfather had lived for many years, he remembered that he had forgotten to purchase gifts for several members of the wedding party. Stopping at a jewelry store, he asked if he could make a purchase with an out-of-state check and was told no, that it was against store policy.

As he turned to leave, the owner asked him, "Do you know anyone in Okmulgee?" thinking someone might be able to vouch for his honesty.
"No, I don't," Bill replied. "My grandfather used to live here, but he died a few years ago."
"Who was your grandfather?" the store owner asked.
"Sam Bright."
"Are you Sam Bright's grandson?" the store owner asked, his face lighting up as he approached Bill. "Why, Sam Bright was the most honorable man I have ever known! If you're anything like your grandfather, I'll sell you anything in the store -- and I'll gladly take your check."

A Good Name - Even though you may not have much in the way of material possessions, a good name is one of those wonderful gifts you can pass on to your children.  
- david jeremiah

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