Sunday, August 11, 2024


That title sounds familiar. I suspect if I were to go back through the archives of articles I have written, sermons I have preached and devotionals I have read or delivered, there would probably be no more common theme that the prayer, "Lord, take control."

The prayer has been prayed in times of decision and indecision. The prayer has been prayed during times of turmoil and frustration and confusion. The prayer has been prayed in hospital rooms, intensive care units, in business meetings, before, during and after surgery, in times of fear, and times of great confidence. The prayer has been prayed while standing next to a crib, while standing next to a hospital bed, and while standing next to a casket.

There have been many times after praying the prayer that I have experienced a sense of peace and quiet comfort has washed over me. There have been other times after praying the prayer that I have been consumed with fear and overcome with panic. There have been times when I felt that He really took control. There have been times when I wondered why He did not take control. And there have been times when I did not feel or sense anything.

So what makes the difference?

The difference seems to be found not in the prayer, whether prayed one time or a dozen times. The difference seems to be found in whether or not I have also incorporated an attitude of submission and surrender. Not only is it essential that I pray, "Lord, take control!"  I must also pray, "I surrender" or "I am in submission to You."

I can pray, "Lord, take control!" all night and all day, but unless I submit to His control it is futile. I can beg and plead, "Lord, take control!" with all the sincerity and emotion I can muster, but it is not until I truly submit that I will experience the power of God at work in my life.

Job said it this way, "Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you"  Job 22:21.
James said this, "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" James 4:7.

I must yield to His control. I must surrender to His will. I must give up my control and allow Him to take control. I must defer to His leadership. I must give in to His plans.

Lord, take control. I surrender.
- nyaguthii gathoni

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