Friday, August 9, 2024


Have you ever been in need of an encouraging word from God and gone to the book of Nahum looking for it? I didn`t think so; neither have I. Well, surprise, surprise, there is certainly one there, and God led me to it – Nahum 1:7, which reads, “The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and He knows them that trust in Him.” 

Isn't that good? Well, it gets better when you dig into it a little. There are three things I want to share with you from this little obscure verse...

The Lord is Good
“The Lord is Good” - period. Everything about God is good, including everything that is related to me - His thoughts about me, His plans for me, His actions toward me, His guidance in me, His blessings to me, His protection of me, His purposes fulfilled through me and His ordained circumstances that surround me at this very moment in my life. They may not look good, seem good, sound good or feel good – but because they are ordained of God, they ARE good. Colossians 3:3 says that “your life is hid with Christ in God”. Every detail of your life is contained in Him, including your present circumstances, trials, needs, etc.

Are you in a storm today? Are you in a crisis? Are you facing some very adverse circumstances? Are you going through a severe trial? Well, take heart – it may not seem good, but as part of the “life that is hid with Christ in God", it IS good, if for no other reason than to demonstrate the second point I want to share with you.

The Lord is a Stronghold in the Day of Trouble
The words strong hold mean a fortified place, a defense, a refuge. You may very well be in a very tough spot right now, but you are not helpless or hopeless – and – you are not alone. There IS a place for you to go to for comfort, help and assurance. “From the end of the earth will I cry unto Thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.” The word trouble means adversity, anguish, distress and tribulation. If you have today landed on one of those squares on the board, then you will certainly be encouraged by this third truth from this little verse.

The Lord Knows Them That Trust in Him
The word, "know", means to understand as a familiar friend. Hebrews 4:15 assures us that, “we have not a high priest (Jesus) who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities.” Jesus not only knows about and understands your situation, but He even FEELS right along with you. Now, let’s look at the word "trust". Here, it means to confide in, have hope in and to take refuge in. He knows them as a close friend who confide in Him, who hope in Him, and who run to Him to find that place of safety. 

Are you in trouble? If so, don`t make the mistake of trying to figure it out or work it out on your own. That is a trick of the devil and will only lead to disappointment, frustration, fear and exhaustion. Oh, I know, as a “responsible” person you feel you must DO something. Well, you are right.

What you must DO is go to Jesus, confide in Him and take refuge in Him until the storm passes – and it will. No matter WHAT you are facing today, no matter WHAT your circumstances are, no matter WHAT your need is, you can lift your head in confidence and praise the Name of Our Great God! Why? Because THE LORD IS GOOD – and He is good to YOU!

- adapted from shad williams

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