Wednesday, October 16, 2024


God has called us to be His witnesses and "ministers of a new covenant" 2 Corinthians 3:6. Our mission field may span the globe or be focused on a few, but our ministries are all the same: we are to glorify God as we proclaim the true gospel of Christ through our words as well as the actions of our life.

If you have dedicated your life to following Jesus, you ARE in full time ministry!! Ministry work can be extremely rewarding as we share the truth and witness real change in the life of someone God places in our mission field. However, ministry work can also be very frustrating and discouraging whenever we forget the reason for our ministry and take our eyes off the One we serve.

We speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts. We were not looking for praises from men, not from you or anyone else 1 Thessalonians 2:4,6

God has entrusted us with His gospel message, and we must minister out of an obedience to this trust and a desire to glorify Him in all we do. We are setting ourselves up for failure anytime we become motivated by results or praise. God will often bless us and confirm His leading with fruit in our ministry, but our focus and motivation must always remain on loving Him through our simple obedience. He has called and we must follow for a lifetime, regardless of the result of each individual step.

We must serve and trust that God will bring the harvest in His perfect timing; "for the battle is not yours, but God's" 2 Chronicles 20:15. These are God's battles and ultimately His harvest. Our job is to simply enter the field, plow, and continue to scatter seed. The praises of men will come and go, but the joy of knowing that God is glorified by our obedience is steady and unshakable.

Our efforts may sometimes seem futile, and we may feel completely unqualified, but we must continue - we have been "approved by God!" Our love and encouragement toward others may appear to have minimal effect, but a small nudge today can cause a lifetime of change. An offer of prayer can give renewed hope, and a simple testimony of God's faithfulness in times of trial can soften a heart to the saving gospel of Jesus.

As each of us enter the mission field, God will use us to change the lives of those He places in our path. One day, when we stand in His presence, we may be allowed to see the true impact of our service. But until that time, we must simply continue to serve and be motivated by obedience.
- adapted from steve troxel

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