Sunday, October 13, 2024


"The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit."Psalm 34:18
"The Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted." Isaiah 61:1-2
In the war years, triage referred to the protocol by which medical assistance was given. It was up to the doctors to "color-tag" the wounded, placing them in one of three categories according to their condition. 
   1.  One color meant hopeless - nothing we can do will save them.
   2.  Another color tag meant they'd make it whether they get help or not. 
   3. The third color-tag indicated a doubtful prognosis - a chance to live only if medical assistance is given. 

Since there were severely limited medical supplies, assistance was being given only to this last group.
Lou was badly blown apart, including one leg severely wounded. The doctor who examined him made the decision that Lou was a hopeless case and tagged him as such, leaving him to die. But a nurse noticed Lou was conscious and began to talk with him. They discovered they were both from Ohio. Getting to know Lou as a person, the nurse just couldn't let him die. She broke all the rules and changed his color-tag.

Recovery included a two-day trip in the back of a truck and months in a hospital, but Lou made it. He met a girl in the hospital whom he later married. Even minus one leg, he has led a full and happy life, all because a nurse broke the rules of triage and "changed a tag".

Jesus spent much of his earthly ministry "changing color-tags" - healing the broken-hearted, forgiving sinners and bringing hope to the hopeless. He's still bringing hope to the hopeless - every minute of every day! 

Today, someone you know is feeling hopeless. They desperately need hope. Share the hope of Jesus with them. Look for every opportunity to go around "changing their color-tags"
- dave langerfeld

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