Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine Isaiah 43:1
My husband and I, with our two daughters, operate a small sheep farm. One day a non-farming friend asked, "How can you bear to slaughter those cute little lambs?" My husband explained, "We don't want to get emotionally attached to the ones we plan to eat, so we don't give them names."
Not satisfied, the friend probed, "What about your kids?" Her husband quickly replied, "Oh, we name them!"
In biblical times, names carried deep meaning. Naming something means connection. It means belonging. And in the Bible, we see that God always names and knows His people. In John 10, Jesus, the Good Shepherd, tells us that he calls his sheep by name. He doesn’t see us as nameless, faceless members of a flock — he knows us personally.
That means no matter how unnoticed or unimportant you may feel at times, you are never just a face in the crowd to God. He knows your struggles, your joys, and even your quirks. And because he knows you, he cares for you deeply. You are treasured. You belong to him.
So, the next time you feel overlooked or insignificant, remember this: God has called you by name. You are known, chosen, and cherished by the one who calls you his own.
Lord, thank You for calling me by name and reminding me that I am loved and known. Help me to trust in your care and rest in the security of being yours. In Jesus’ name, amen.
- julie helms
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