Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up Psalm 71:20
A young lady gathered the necessary ingredients from the refrigerator and stood over the kitchen counter preparing to cook her favorite dish. The key ingredient for the dish was onion, which she did not like preparing. As she began preparing the onion, tears began to stream down her face as a result.
As the tears continued to flow, she never ceased preparing the onion simply because she knew the onion was necessary in order for the dish to be what she wanted it to be. When the dish was complete, she tasted it and was thoroughly pleased with the final product. In order to get to the final product she desired, she had to continue what she was doing, not stopped by tears.
Life is full of ups and downs, joy and sorrow, trials and tribulations. Some situations we face in life are simply not enjoyable and we experience pain. Classes not going well, a bank account a bit shaky, trouble on the job, trouble at home, and other things go on that are just undesirable. As a result, the tears are flowing.
God never promised we would never have trouble, He does promise that the end shall be greater than the beginning and He will be with us through the tears. In the midst of flowing tears, we must prepare for the breakthrough by continuing to walk in His Word and in His promises. Some simply need to be reminded that breakthrough is on the way and God is still “there through the tears.”
- timothy jackson, jr.
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