When we moved to New York City, one of the first landmarks I wanted to see was the Statue of Liberty. A guide actually told me an amazing fact about that lady in the harbor. From that first day in the late 1800's when her light was first lit up, right up to that moment we saw her, the lamp of liberty has never gone out. Even when everybody else's lights went out - like, say in the daytime, for example - Lady Liberty has always had her light shining.
During World War II, all of New York City was under a blackout for security reasons, but they kept this little 60-watt light bulb glowing in liberty's torch. And the night all the lights went out in New York because of a power blackout, the light still stayed on because it's powered by electricity from across the river in New Jersey! As wave after wave of immigrants sailed into New York Harbor, they'd strain for a first look at that Statue, the symbol of the freedom that they had risked so much to find. And whenever they arrived, they saw the light of liberty. It was always, always on.
Our word for today comes from John 4:4-7. "Now Jesus had to go through Samaria. So He came to a town in Samaria called Sychar... Jacob's well was there, and Jesus, tired from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour (noon). When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, 'Will you give me a drink?'"
Now, this encounter starts a chain reaction that, in turn, starts a massive revival in this Samaritan village, and much of the village comes to Christ as Savior. It started at a time when Jesus was feeling tired, and thirsty, and ready for some rest. It was one of those seemingly "off duty" moments, the kind of times when we want to post a sign like buses sometimes do: "Out of service."
But along comes a woman who needs Him, and He opens up her life to His claims. Now here's Jesus, totally worn out, but as "on" at this resting spot as He is in a crowd on a sunny hillside. In fact, it is, humanly speaking, Jesus' thirst that puts Him at the right place at the right time. And that's the same way God is directing your steps. He wants to use the everyday events of your life to position you to affect someone else's life, if you're willing to do the Statue of Liberty thing, and never turn off your light.
You never know how God will get you to be at the right place for someone who needs you - for someone who needs him! It's important to be "on" for Jesus when you go to lunch, when you're in a store, when you're waiting in line, when you're in a cab or on a plane. If you're going to be like your Lord, you can't put your service into little compartments: "OK, it's ministry time now." When isn't it ministry time? Today, in the middle of your journey, there is someone who needs Jesus, someone who needs encouragement, someone who needs a hand, someone who needs to be prayed with.
Life really becomes an adventure when you consciously open up your day to God's sovereign bringing you together with other people for His glory and for their good. In fact, it's exciting to begin each day, praying something like this, "Lord, use my everyday activities today to put me in the path of someone who needs me, who needs you." Like that lady in New York Harbor, you never know when you'll be holding the light that someone is desperately looking for.
Just be sure that your light is "Always On"!
- ron hutchcraft
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