Friday, September 23, 2016


In an effort to comply with the Humor Fairness Board, the joke used in today's TFTD has been "adjusted." We hope that this adjustment will prevent complaints from those of you who may have a certain hair color. :-)

A preacher is driving down the road. He notices that he's low on gas so he stops at the gas station. While he's pumping his gas, he notices that he has locked his keys in the car. So when he goes inside to pay, he asks the attendant for a coat hanger so he can attempt to open the door himself.

He goes outside and begins to jimmy the lock. Ten minutes later, the attendant goes outside to see how the preacher is faring.

The preacher outside the car is moving the hanger around and around, while the preacher inside the car is saying, "A little more to the left... a little more to the right!!"

I've seen the same thing happen, and I suspect you have as well -- in the workplace or in the church. There always seems to be someone who sits back and says to everyone, "Do it this way" or "Do it that way". And you wonder, "Why doesn't he get up and lend a hand? The work would get done a lot faster if he would help out instead of just giving instructions!"

Encouraging others can be valuable, but there comes a time when we need to stop encouraging with words and start encouraging by rolling up our sleeves and joining in.

Nehemiah had an awesome task of trying to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. He faced many obstacles, but one of the keys to his success is found in Nehemiah 4:6: "So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height, for the people had a mind to work."

The people had a mind to work! What a great spirit! Half of them stood guard while the other half worked in construction, but everyone pitched in.

May you be seen by those around you as one who truly has "a mind to work"!

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