Friday, January 11, 2019


Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, made headlines last year with the story of Donald Wyman.

Wyman was by himself in the woods when he was pinned by a falling tree. For several hours he attempted to free himself with no success, and no one responded to his frantic pleas for help. In shock from a broken leg and with nothing but his pocket knife, Wyman amputated his own leg, turnicated it with his belt, dragged himself to his pickup, and drove to the Punxsutawney hospital.

When he was interviewed later by the media, he said, “It was a terrible ordeal...I had a life-and-death decision, and that was my only choice — life or death. I have so much to live for that I did the only thing I could — I chose life.”
Moses, in his final message to the Israelites told them that they too had to make a choice. He said, “...I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you might live.” (Deuteronomy 29:30). 

We have a choice to make, either life or death. If we choose life in Christ, we can live full, abundant, eternal lives — because “He who has the Son has life.” (1 John 5:12). But if we choose life without Christ, we will miss blessings and fulfilled lives.
As we stand on the threshold of a eternity , we must know that have a choice to make that will determine our eternity. 

I hope you will join me, and choose life!

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