Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Have you ever felt as if the foundation of your life was crumbling away?

Have circumstances made you question your beliefs or your faith, and made you afraid?

In recent years, the spiritual climate of the world has changed, and the world has become drunk on blood. It's easy to feel as if we're standing alone in an empty universe that's being terrorized by fear and uncertainty. 

Such was David's plight in Psalm 11. He was, like us, also terrorized by fear and uncertainty. His advisors told him to run and find refuge in the wilderness. But he said in Psalm 11:1, "I have taken refuge in the Lord," (Holman Translation).

In a crisis, the ultimate truth we learn about ourselves is who do we trust  --  ourselves or God? Who, is the go-to power in our lives? We either find peace in what He can do or in what we can do.

Do we believe that God inhabits eternity and reigns over the chaos of this world? Do we believe that Jesus Christ is Sovereign and that He will ultimately prevail? In a world where the regime of terror bases its power upon the fear of the violent unknown, it is the Christian who is the true counter-revolutionary because we offer life and hope in
the face of death, and we do it fearlessly.

There are times when it seems as if God is silent or is not doing His best. I suppose it would be much easier for Him if He didn't give us free will and the power to choose -- because with the power of choice comes the freedom to give life or to take it.

And, sometimes, I'm sure we all wish that He wouldn't allow evil to run its course, but end it all now. Although this isn't a touchy-feely devotional, I wanted to encourage you today with this truth, as it's stated in Psalm 11 --

"The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord's throne is in heaven. His eyes watch; He examines everyone. The Lord examines the righteous and the wicked. He hates the lover of violence," (Psalm 11:4-5, Holman).

God is not a Christian, Muslim or Jew. He isn't a Baptist, Methodist or Seventh-day Adventist, or any other brand of organised religion, or sub-culture thereof.

He is God. His character is holy, righteous and perfect. He is fair. He is truth. And He is just. He is alive, and He is personal. He is who He is -- and that will never change, regardless of our presuppositions, assumptions or conclusions.
His character is the standard, not our creeds. His presence IS our reality, not our circumstances. He is our hope even in death.

God sees.
God knows.
God is at work even when it seems He's gone fishing.
And He will prevail. That's His promise, not mine.

The days of fear, uncertainty, hate and violence are coming to an end, sooner than we expect. I want you to promise me something, friend, I want you to promise me that whatever happens you won't give up, that you, too, like David, will take refuge in God and in His truth. 
-lynell lamountain

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