Tuesday, April 14, 2020


I once received an e-mail with a story worth sharing. The names have been changed to preserve privacy.

Doug was the proud and loving father of Emma, a high school junior who was taking a leadership class that was responsible for putting on dances and other student events. All student body officers had to take the class, but other kids like Emma who wanted to participate could also enroll.

Emma was different from everyone and was becoming more aware of those differences. Recently, she had told her father through tears, "I don't like having Down Syndrome."

Doug comforted and encouraged her the best way he could, but he wondered how her classmates perceived her. Did they just tolerate or patronize her, or did they see the richness of her character and appreciate her sense of humor and beauty of her heart?

These concerns came into play when he visited Emma at a school event. 
She was working at a table with the student body president, a handsome kid named Chris. 
Emma excitedly told her father that Chris had invited her to the homecoming dance.

Doug was doubtful. 
Fearing she would be embarrassed and hurt if she had misunderstood him, he checked with the leadership teacher, who confirmed it was true. This extraordinary young man had indeed asked Emma to accompany him to dinner and the dance.

Doug was moved to tears, confessing that he was ashamed for doubting such a thing could happen. He wrote me of his joy seeing his daughter prepare for one of the greatest days in her life. And he marveled at the kindness and self-confidence of the young man who was able to see and care about the inner Emma.

Doug was rightfully proud of Emma, but how good would you feel to be Chris's parents?
-character counts

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